Dec ’22: Children’s Museum Coordination

The other traditional request on Thunderer’s birthday, because it is the dead of winter, is to go to the Children’s Museum, traditionally.

Some years the weather is such that it just isn’t practical, but this time, it was fine.

First stop? The quarry area.

Superman, given how he was feeling, could be found perching and supervising for the most part in the beginning.

He’d later hop down, but still mostly supervise as the antics started getting more wild.

And no, nothing like covid or an illness somebody else could catch. We’ll find out later (in the posting timeline) what was actually going on, but we knew it wasn’t something we needed to quarantine him over.

Aside from the fake stone bricks, there are plenty of other activities, like experimenting with sand.

And heading to the second floor of this area to use a ‘crane’ they have.


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