Fall Guys Win!

This I think has been my first (and only) Fall Guys win. Fortunately for me they hadn’t yet patched out the Switch recording feature in the game so I was able to catch more than just a screenshot.


First Day of School 2022 – Thunderer’s Turn

Hey FlameFlash, you may ask, where’s her backpack?

Well, she’s off to 3rd grade in these pictures so they did the whole “come meet the teacher and drop off your supplies” thing earlier and she opted to leave her backpack at the school that day too.

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First Day of College 2022

Little Miss, even though she started college and was away in the dorm, was kind enough to humor me by sending me a “first day of school” picture. She started right around the same time Superman and Newbie did, at least, according to the fact that this saved picture is before Thunderer’s first day.