Nov ’22: The Thanksgiving

Hard to not think about Thanksgiving in any year without also thinking about food. The corn casseroles, all ready to go in the oven. We’re hosting a big group, so need to be prepared!

And the aforementioned “big group”…

That’s right, I just added a new category/tag as of this post too. Welcome to “Koodoo” on the far left next to Little Miss!

Hey look, a rare picture with me in it!

Enough group pictures! Time to start digging in.

Okay fine, one last group picture, this time off TJ’s phone.


Oct ’22: Halloween Concluded

Fox matched with TJ’s hunter to go has a deer while Thunderer joins the fray as a princess.

Oddly enough, a prop swap for the brothers actually turns out pretty well.

Suddenly we get a lumberjack and a horror movie guy.

We were losing daylight pretty quickly and with my hands full of baby I didn’t manage to get many more pictures. At least any more that I felt were blog worthy.


Oct ’22: Halloween Continues

This year there was a good amount of chaos in the home, so it sort of became the year of the homemade costumes accordingly.

We’ll start things off with Superman, who wanted to be a knight in shining armor but we very much struggled to find a costume that would fit.

Next up, Newbie brought a homemade Marcy costume to bear.

And if you don’t know which Marcy, we’re talking about the Marcy from the show Amphibia. We had zero luck finding a costume from that show. I don’t recall if we’d finished watching it as a family by then or not, but Newbie found it and after watching the first season on their own hooked the rest of us on it. It’s still on Disney+ if you’re interested. It’s fantastic.

We’ll wrap up this post with TJ and his friend. A hunter and a plague doctor seem very appropriate for the era of covid starting to feel like it was wrapping up.


Oct ’22: Do the Marios!

At this point I can’t recall why I only took Potato with me when trick or treating. I think it was because it was his first Halloween at home and Fireball was feeling cranky and tired.

But since I couldn’t find the traditional ‘baby’s first Halloween’ pumpkin costume I put on my Mario costume from the closet and then grabbed a smaller Mario hat so he could be baby Mario. A very satisfying Mario Kart reference or Yoshi’s Island reference if I do say so myself.


At the Pumpkin Patch

The mood at the patch was a little muted because Redflare and the Smols weren’t there with us, but we made the best of things, posing for some pictures on the haybales.

Even if perhaps a couple of them were a little nervous to be at the top of one.

It was also strange not having Little Miss along for the trip, but she was away at her first year of college.


First Day of School 2022 – Thunderer’s Turn

Hey FlameFlash, you may ask, where’s her backpack?

Well, she’s off to 3rd grade in these pictures so they did the whole “come meet the teacher and drop off your supplies” thing earlier and she opted to leave her backpack at the school that day too.

Continue reading

First Day of College 2022

Little Miss, even though she started college and was away in the dorm, was kind enough to humor me by sending me a “first day of school” picture. She started right around the same time Superman and Newbie did, at least, according to the fact that this saved picture is before Thunderer’s first day.