Surprise Tomatoes (2022)

So like I said previously, Redflare’s summer didn’t go as she planned.

So when she planted her garden in the spring, events occurred where she chose to then not tend to it as much as she originally wanted.

What that meant though, as we were picking apples, is that we found a good stash of fresh tomatoes hiding away to bring in!


Saucy Success

You know we’re clearly wrapping up summer 2021 items in the blogging folder because I can go forth and show off Redflare’s homemade spaghetti sauce from early September.

Those of you familiar with my eating habits will know that I don’t even usually eat spaghetti with sauce. I just prefer it with grated cheddar cheese and some parmesan. Maybe some meatballs. This sauce though. This sauce was amazing. I can’t recall what we actually had with it now, but clearly I’m not usually a sauce-type but absolutely loved this one.


Apple Promises

One of the trees this year has shared fantastic fruit with us. The other two… well, one seems a bit spotty and moldy for some reason and the other just didn’t produce much. Probably need more of our pollinators to be developed enough to actually produce flowers.

Doesn’t stop me from admiring their growth as the summer progresses.


Strawberry Patch

Yep, some of these pictures are slightly out of order. Oh well.

We’ve already raided the strawberries at this point on the blog picture wise, but how about stopping to appreciate the flowers that gave us such wonderful berries?


Baby Asparagus

The garden hasn’t been cooperating much this summer. It’s mostly because the weather has been weird too. We didn’t get a spring, so with Redflare’s heat sensitivity it’s harder to get out there and plant all the starts.

We did manage to plant some new asparagus roots this spring to expand our patch for the future.

It sprouted!


Strawberry Pickers

School is out, so let’s put the kids to work! 😉

Something tells me they won’t mind this process because they’ll all greatly appreciate the… fruits of their labors.

Okay, maybe some of them mind.

Redflare was having him help with the watering process though, so maybe that’s why.

What I love is how careful even Thunderer was with taking the berries.

It ended up being quite the haul!