Civ VI: Katsu!

The bad thing about sometimes just screenshotting achievements for later is I have no clue at this point, given this was in my backlog, how this game went at this point.

Obviously I won or I wouldn’t have the steam achievement, but that’s all I remember.

Given the lag time between this and the last one I think I recall not being super fond of the Japan playstyle and just went and played them how I usually do, but I can’t remember for sure at this point.


Civ VI: French Achievements

I debated how to present these, because they all triggered at different times on the same day but eventually, because they’re all back to back in the pictures folder, I might as well present them together in one post.

This one actually doesn’t stand out to me anymore, but then again, it’s from mid January, so that’s probably why. I do remember swarming the land with spies but eventually I think I won either culturally or diplomatically.