Blogger Blitz Black Sheep Round 1: The Game is Afoot

Time to fly on over to check out Totalitarian Tea Time with Bowser and Marjolaine!

You’ll see me participating as Sigma coming up in a couple of weeks.

If you want to learn about everybody participating in the meantime, head on over to Adventure Rules proper or if you want additional details about the event..

I’ll be hosting my adventures over on Monk of Mists which is my more gaming focused site so everyone knows which space to watch August 17th.



I think this picture came from Mother’s Day. Everyone piled up and Redflare managed to get a shot of her with all our babies.

Later Thunderer would help make some brownies for the special day with supervision from Little Miss.


Pole Work

A few years ago the neighbor cut down a dying/dead tree. One of the branches knocked out one of the support bars of our clothesline.

You could say a tree clotheslined our clothesline even.

With that being the case, and room starting to run out in the yard to keep new trees healthy, it was time to say goodbye to the poles.

I suppose this could be considered a very uniquely destructive pole dance?

These things were properly cemented in at a certain point, plus holes at the top of the poles acted like a funnel to the ground so the area at the concrete was nice and wet.

We didn’t want to dig too deep or wide for the sake of the yard and the new trees that would be going in.

Like this new cherry tree.

While we’re out there, may as well check on the tree that had surgery too.

So far so good.


Garden Update

Things are coming along nicely outside in the recycling greenhouses.

Bunching onions…


And even some tomatoes!

The spinach I think will need to be moved soon and the dill looks great too.

A couple years ago we planted some asparagus seeds near our patch, hoping to enlarge it. Well, nothing ever sprouted there, but this season we’re seeing some rogue asparagus starting to show up in a few unexpected places.

Like in a shrubbery!?

Spring is clearly in full… bloom because we’re getting tulips and cherry blossoms.

Some happy looking strawberries.

And the promise of some apples and asparagus where we expect them!

Before starting on a backyard project, perhaps we should ponder the johnny jump ups.


What a Boob

Redflare has had this pattern for a while, but now that temperatures are getting hotter it’s time to try it out.

Presenting, the breastfeeding baby’s “boob hat”.

Guaranteed to offend, cause a laugh, or both as you feed your litle one.

Not sure if she’ll make them in bulk or not, but she had fun experimenting with it.


Finding Selfies

Redflare has two older brothers that have been on her mind a really long time.

Seventeen years to be exact.

And as of April of this year, her search was over.

To celebrate, and to share a picture of herself with him (one is no longer with us) she took a couple of rare selfies.

With that in mind, I present shock:

And joy: