Surprise Tomatoes (2022)

So like I said previously, Redflare’s summer didn’t go as she planned.

So when she planted her garden in the spring, events occurred where she chose to then not tend to it as much as she originally wanted.

What that meant though, as we were picking apples, is that we found a good stash of fresh tomatoes hiding away to bring in!


Wake Me When Summer Begins

Everyone has different markers for when summer officially starts for them. Once the kids are out of school, once grilling starts in earnest, once mowing the lawn is required more frequently, once there’s a lot of road construction…

My favorite here is once our catalpa tree in the front yard goes into full bloom for the briefest of periods.

I took this picture back on June 11. The flowers always look to me a little like lightly buttered popcorn, especially when they fall from the tree and carpet the driveway and yard (also for an unfortunately very short time.)

While it’s a bit ironic to post this on September 1, I’m just going item by item through my pictures folder as usual, so here they are, helping us all remember and hope that your summer went well.


Thicc Boy

Along with the snow come the animals paying us visits. This big guy for instance liked to try and steal from our bird feeder.

I say ‘tried’ but really I mean he must have, he’s quite large. The kids enjoyed watching him through the windows too though.


Moon Shot

Because Redflare loves to take pictures of the moon it’s no surprise to me that eventually she’d catch something cross its path.

Only reason she even kept that picture. Otherwise it wasn’t up to her usual standards.