Level Up: Apple Evolution

Inspired by this bit of fact: 

along with the announcement of the iPad Mini today I was awed by how much technology has changed in a decade.

My youngest children will have no memory of computing without touchscreen devices.

My oldest barely remember when the Gamecube was the top-of-the-line console.

Now the little one can now pass out with an iPad.

Now will we be getting an iPad mini? Nope.

With a $329 price point that’s a bit too rich for me. I’d rather get a Wii U.

Now aside from the iPad mini we also see an iPad 4… or more correctly termed an iPad 4th Generation.

I feel really sorry for everyone who bought an iPad 3 when that was announced.

This one is faster, stronger, and even more iPhone 5ish than the 3 but I wonder how wise it was to release something like this so close to the release of their last model. Time will tell there.

It sports the faster processor iPhone 5 processor and that new “lightning” connector that the 5 has. Thus far, I’m still happy with my 2.

A footnote to today would be the Mac Mini model. Upgraded guts, integrated graphics, 2.5GHz processor. I think it’d be a great upgrade for my mom’s aging mac mini though.

The drool inspiring portion of Apple’s announcement today was the new, thinner, iMac.

You can follow the link if you want all the juicy details, but this thing screams “own me soon… please!” 27 inch screen, a boot drive on solid state and storage over on a TB or two? Just right for a growing family with lots of pictures, movies, and other media needs.


Cowabunga Dudes! It’s Lego Time!?

That’s right, we’re getting TMNT legos! This first set comes with Leo, Mikey, “Dogpound”, a foot soldier, and the new version of Krang.

I haven’t caught this new series on TV yet (or on iTunes) but it looks promising. I’m not a fan of the animation styles I’ve spotted on the trailers but maybe it would grow on me if I watched it.

What I find funny about the whole thing is how Nickelodean is very insistent that they own the rights to these toys. I guess they’re the ones to blame that we can’t grab TMNT games on the Xbox or PS3 anymore too.

I suppose I’m both sad and glad we don’t have another TMNT video game announced yet now that we’ve evolved from the side-scrolling beat-em-up for the most part.

Sometimes it’s the small blessings.