A First Mario Party Win!

It’s rare for them to beat me on this, but she managed!


Mario Golf: Chipping In

You don’t want to get in Newbie’s way on Mario Golf.


Mario Party Family Run Hijinks

I wasn’t sure at first if I should post these as one or multiple.

I think “because twitter” I’ll put them all in one.

I’m Luigi as normal, Superman as Mario, and then Newbie/Sleepy (her online handle of choice) was Yoshi, and finally Rosalina was Thunderer.


Stardew: Maru Dating

With Twitter on fire I’m a little wary of using an imbedded post, but back when I recorded this, Twitter wasn’t on fire.

I guess if this isn’t viewable by the time the post goes live it’s “because twitter” and folks will understand.


Fortnite: June 2022 Event

The first part of it is us getting in place as a party and waiting for it to start.

Newbie recorded this using the PS4 and Twitch streaming if I recall correctly.

Both the fun of editing this and the small annoyance is fully watching the raw footage so I can be sure not to miss anything important as far as dialogue goes. Fortunately for the rest of you, I’m only keeping the non-waiting pieces unless somebody does something funny while we wait for the event to actually start.

The one benefit to editing so late after it actually happened is that I’m enjoying remembering seeing it rather than posting it right away and going “pfft, I just played this myself, I don’t care.” So hopefully anybody visiting has the same feelings on it that I do.

The behind-the-scenes editing is more important than one would think though. The original file was 33 minutes while this one contained the whole event successfully in ~16 minutes.

I love the whole “Voltron” or “Power Rangers” feel of this one as it actually starts around the five minute mark.