Eaten By the Movie Seat

We went to see Age of Ultron when it came out. Not the Friday night showing but the Saturday afternoon (behold! Cheaper prices!)

While I’m not really going to go into a review, even this late into it being out, what was amusing was how the chair wanted to try and eat Little Miss.

I stretched my leg out in front of her and she hooked her legs behind mine to help keep her from being eaten through the whole show.


Good Morning Cat

Another morning (the first time the cat did this, naturally, there wasn’t a blanket in there) but I think we may have been adopted…

We found her like this, in the window box, two days in a row before putting the blanket in to make things a little more comfortable.

Can’t help it. The creature seems to need the help and attention and who are we to deny her that?


Pilot Car

Now this is a concept that we’d never encountered before but makes a lot of sense.

In MN there are three seasons:

  • Winter
  • Almost Winter
  • Road Construction

True to the season of “road construction” while we were out doing errands along a curvy route we ran into some.

Rather than your typical “road closed” guy and then he’d wave you on to the other lane this car led us through. Makes a lot of sense since we couldn’t see very far ahead of us on the curves.

Quite appreciated the safety measures they took for both themselves and the drivers out and about.


Learning Curve: Editing PS4 Videos

For my birthday one of the things we got was the PS4.

(Parental life hack for large families, you get it as a gift for your birthday even though others in the family will likely use it more… this way you have a reason to say sibling 1 must share with sibling 2 since it technically isn’t for either of them.)

One of the cooler features of the PS4 is the “Share” button. Those that follow me on twitter or Facebook are already seeing my use of that.

Here is my first foray into uploading a recorded video though. Edited down to show off some of Transistor’s “speed attack” systems.

It’s a game I expect I’ll be returning to.

They offer a very powerful editing tool though, I look forward to getting used to it more and seeing what I can accomplish with it.