Caturday: Depression Perch

Big Red certainly didn’t take kindly to the loss of her mother.

She lost weight, she withdrew… anybody that says cats and pets don’t feel human emotions haven’t had the empathy to really watch and observe a pet.

Big Red for a time took to climbing to the very top of the kitchen cabinets and hanging out there.

Of course, she also started even having bodily functions up there, so once we realized that was happening we had to block of the path up, but for a time she hid up there, being close to the family but far enough away that we had to leave her alone.


Caturday: Lap Ball

It was really really strange going from three cats quickly down to one.

Big Red slowly adjusted to it. She clearly also went through a stage of mourning for the loss of her mother, but here at least, she was comforted in Newbie’s lap.

The same blanket that Newbie had cuddled Lady Grey in during her last hours. That blanket is now for sure Newbie’s, without a doubt. I’m not sure who’s it had been, but at this point, even today as I schedule this, it’s her’s.


Freshman Care Package

She might be away at college, but that doesn’t mean she’s too far to still reach with a jumbo tube of nerds in her care package.

Actually it’s about time for me to be thinking about her next care package. The stint from the start of school to Thanksgiving is the longest one as far as there being no easy breaks to come home.


At the Pumpkin Patch

The mood at the patch was a little muted because Redflare and the Smols weren’t there with us, but we made the best of things, posing for some pictures on the haybales.

Even if perhaps a couple of them were a little nervous to be at the top of one.

It was also strange not having Little Miss along for the trip, but she was away at her first year of college.


Caturday: Windowcat Art v1 and v2

I’m not sure if I shared the original “Windowcats” work Newbie created after Thundercat passed, so I thought I’d start with that.

She updated it after Lady Grey’s passing though, taking a picture of it with my tablet and then drawing over it, modifying it slightly to honor Lady Grey.

And then the non-sparkly kitty is Big Red, because she’s still with us, even as I write this. Happy, fluffy, and healthy.


TMNT 1 – Playthrough Part 8

Okay, this one feeds me a massive amount of humble pie, really. I even originally had the file named “failure” in my “to blog later” folder.

But “later” has turned to “now” so here I am, serving up said humble pie as I trek my way through the Cowabunga Collection…

Why’d I keep it? Well, for one, because for whatever reason the voice track didn’t stick around it’s an easy edit, for another, just for the enjoyment of transparency that yeah, I was clearly getting impatient to beat this game and made multiple mistakes during this session as a result.

It’s also a little funny watching it play at 2x speed, at least I think so.