Stay A While… And Listen: DJCutman Works

While listening to my usual podcasts yesterday they closed the show with a user submitted song. I rarely go and look up these artists afterward because the music choices just aren’t my cup of tea.

This guy, however, is.

So I grabbed the url and ended up eventually on his SoundCloud site. Continue reading

3DS: Mario Tennis Open: Family Gaming Foiled Again gave this game a very lengthy discussion on their Nintendo Voice Chat podcast and also reviewed the game a 6.5 review.

6.5 on their scale is “okay” and if it had single-cartridge play it was something I was seriously considering as it would add a lot of fun to our home 3DS library. Continue reading

Newbie’s 15 Month Appointment

The Newbie had her 15 month appointment.
Height: 30.5 inches
Weight: 21.7 lbs
Her head circumference was only 18.5, which is the 83rd percentile, and the smallest head out of all of our babies.
She was very shy and kept hiding her face from her doctor. She also glared at him, and she rolled her eyes at the nurse when she came in. For being such a sweet, quiet little baby she has quite the attitude.
The nurse was surprised that even her cry is quiet. I think it’s because she knows she never has to get loud. She makes a squeak and there is someone doting on her.


Stopping for a Bite?

The kids went to a local university for their swim lessons. Afterward one of us would take the little swimmers and get them changed. These two would usually then send the other on a tour nearby.

A perfect photo opportunity. They look like they’re waiting for a waitress to come by with menus… and then probably leave a bad tip.