Zoo Riders

On the zoo trip with Gram and Robi they generously made sure that all the kids got to ride on the camels that were available that trip.

I think this was the first trip where the camels were available.

Newbie especially seemed completely full of peace and joy to be riding on the camel.

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Two Months Ago… (Remembering Robi)

I’m very thankful for the time we shared attacking the zoo this summer with Gram and Robi.

You see, 11/30/14 we lost Robi.

A musical master, entertainer, parter, dad… I’m sad that Redflare and I now have this loss of a parent in common too.

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Happy Birthday Little Miss

This post was scheduled for Little Miss’ birth minute.

It’s hard to believe sometimes that this super smart and pretty Little Miss here is eleven now.

This sweet, helpful, scientific mind of a princess is a unique balance between what interests her boys and stereotypical “girly” interests.

It’s an honor to be both her daddy and her friend.

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The Summer Hat Takeover

I’m not sure why the pictures are getting a little jumbled from the summer, for instance Redflare’s parents came to visit prior to us going to the zoo with Uncle Josh (and clearly before we were done with the basement floor) but they’re still great pictures.

Newbie, for instance, was quite taken with Gram’s hat… to the point of taking it! 😉