Nov ’22: The Thanksgiving

Hard to not think about Thanksgiving in any year without also thinking about food. The corn casseroles, all ready to go in the oven. We’re hosting a big group, so need to be prepared!

And the aforementioned “big group”…

That’s right, I just added a new category/tag as of this post too. Welcome to “Koodoo” on the far left next to Little Miss!

Hey look, a rare picture with me in it!

Enough group pictures! Time to start digging in.

Okay fine, one last group picture, this time off TJ’s phone.


Nov ’22: Health Mysteries

Ah yes, the beginning of his health mysteries. I think this was around when we started joking that he was definately the insurance deductible baby of the family.

So he’d come down with RSV right after Halloween, suffered for a good month basically, which was abnormal for RSV, but every time we took him to the doctor during this period it was a full mystery as to what was actually plaguing him.

We eventually figured it out, but it took a while, which was highly annoying and stressful on all of us. So if he shows up in pictures and doesn’t look like he’s having a good time? Or not having as good of time as one might expect, that’s why. His body is fighting something that at the time we didn’t know what it was and the medical system failed us by not quickly letting him get any appointments to investigate the matter.