Put a PIN in it?

If somebody who has a pinterest account wants to, feel free to pin this.

Redflare came up with the idea (possibly from pinterest, I’m not sure) to store smaller baby toys in take-out plastic boxes!

And by the way, Thunderer highly approves.


Thankfulness: A Supportive Wife

The saying that behind every good man is a better woman is an accurate one.

Everyone has their little faults, Redflare and I are no different. What we do have that’s different is a rare relationship that started in the dreaded “friend zone” but grew great.

She worked her butt off to get us to where we are. We have more planned work to do.

I love this little redhead that I’ve known… for 24 years! We’re the rare young couple that didn’t grow apart but rather grew together. We lean on each other when we need it, and we support the other when needed.

She is my partner and my equal, and I am thankful that she is who I will spend the rest of my life with and who will help me raise not only our children, but watch beside me as those children bring home to us future generations.


Thankfulness: Secured Digital Pictures

It’s something you kind of take for granted after a while today.

Remember when with me.

Remember when you wanted “that” picture you had to go digging through bins, boxes, etc and hope that there was an estimated date on it. Hope that years from then you’d remember.

Now, I can share a comparison of all three of my girls, each of them at six months old, with ease…

Little Miss:

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