Finally Arrived

I really can’t remember how long ago I ordered this. Probably was around April 2021 at least. I took until Jan 2022 for it to finally arrive.

The comic, meanwhile, arrived right when it was supposed to release date wise (though I’m not remembering exactly when that was at this point).

It was nice having the crossover toy side by side with the crossover book.

Have I taken him out of his packaging yet? Well no. But I have him. And I’m glad that I do as it honors two fandoms I’ve always quite enjoyed.

Interestingly enough, I started watching Transformers Prime on my lunch breaks and it slowly sucked in both Newbie and Superman. Now I have to wait for them to continue it. :p

I don’t mind though. I tried introducing the older two to Transformers and while TJ enjoyed them and thought they were cool, the interest and passion just didn’t form like it stands with me.

The animation quality (and probably toy quality) seems a lot better than back in my day.


Basement Heroes

Happy Halloween! No, these weren’t their actual Halloween costumes (I won’t have pictures of that ready quite yet), this was them raiding their cosplay drawers and hiding in the basement from the heat.

I believe they are currently pretending to all be in World of Warcraft. Yeah, haven’t indoctrinated them in that game at all.

Seems an appropriate timing for this picture to come up since Blizzcon is only  a few days away from when this picture goes live. 😀






Superman and Newbie’s souvenirs started hatching a day or two after they were submerged.

It’s pretty cool that they managed to emulate the process of an egg hatching so well.



Bolt Lover

Superman and the movie Bolt came out the same year.

He’s always been a fan of the movie.

Naturally we discovered it about two years after it came out, but he loved the movie so much that we were sure to get him a stuff Bolt for his third birthday.

He still plays and cuddles with it.


Gifts Approved

Our nephew’s birthday was in October and so we ordered a couple things for him that Thunderer quickly grabbed and deemed worthy of her attention.

Given how close they are in age (he turned 2 in October) this was actually a great way to see if he would be interested in the gifts or not.

The reports from my sister-in-law say that they were a success!