
Well, after five years on iWeb and MobileMe (or .Mac) the whole process was announced to be shut down a while ago.

It’s time for a new format.

So, if you follow the blog in its current form from a direct URL bookmark, it’s time to update it. If you go to instead, there’s nothing to update.

The old site will stay live, and hopefully move if I ever change server hosts. So you should be able to always find it by going here: Continue reading

The podcast hit 50! Come stop by to see it on its new home. 😀 Podcast

Episode 50: We are all over the map with a very rich newsweek in both gaming and real life. Government wants to spy on you with car black boxes, CISPA, twitter feed subpoenas, PSN reflections and games, 3DS updates. The whole nine yards! We have so much it didn’t even fit in our normal half hour! That’s for the best as this marks (approximate) year one of the podcast. Now go forth and write in or share the word of FlameFlash! Too much in this little box going on, you’ll have to come by for a listen. -FF

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