Birthday GIF

Because it seemed weird to post this not on my birthday even though it’s a year late, I’m posting it on my birthday so it’s way out of sync with all other pictures/posts that I was scheduling.

Little Miss made this for me in Snapchat on my birthday last year, so obviously I’m another year older as of this going up.

Meanwhile, any other pictures from my actual birthday in 2022 went up in January here on the blog, but such is the way of things and the arbitrary nature I run this place. :p


Eldest Birthday

And now, for some reason, we’re back to June 1. Not sure why the pictures from last summer got out of whack, but they didn’t get too disorganized so I’ll let it slide.

The weird thing here is that he had to come to the house to celebrate his birthday, since as has been previously posted, he moved out a little over a year ago as of this posting.


Birthday Baby Boy

Behold my newly (in March) one year old, as we present to you, your birthday cake!

I love how intensely he watches me come out with the cake.

He very much wanted to just reach out and touch the candle, so Redflare naturally helped him blow it out.

Oddly he wasn’t overly interested in the traditional cake ‘baby slap’ once the candle was removed. He looked around at the rest of us with a ‘okay, now what’ expression on his face.

Eventually he did gently pat the cake and we dug in, but it’s interesting to watch how his gentle personality grows.